Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best Gift For Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming!

What are you going to give to your mom?

You can give her perfume if you have money and know her taste. You can pick some flowers for her. You can make a nice drawing for her, in which you show her you love her.

The best mother's gift is a hug and telling her she's the best mom and how much you love her.

This tight and heartwarming  hug goes like an arrow straight in her heart. It touches her more than any gift you can give her.

Love your mom because one day she will be gone.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

To Talk Or To Tweet?

What's all these stuff about tweeting? The world has gone crazy with tweeting.

Tweeting is so important that all the tweets are going to be preserved and archived.

Can you imagine, when someone tweets, I'm going to poo now, this is going to be recorded as an important document to be preserved for eternity or until they ran out of memory.

Can you imagine a lawyer asking to have access to all the tweets of someone he is suing?

"On June 2009 at 16:07, you have tweeted that you are upset with John and want to smash his head. So you are responsible for his death."

So guys, everything you tweeted, can be held against you in 20 years time. The records are there.

Maybe I should give a course at the university of Washaga on how to tweet. After 3 years you can get a BA Tweet.

After another year you get a Master Tweet and finally a PHD Tweet.

Mind you all the lectures will take place through tweeting. It will be a silent lecture and there's no need to write.

Exams will be through tweeting.

After graduation you will be a professor or doctor Tweet.

Sounds cool isn't it?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our Russians Comrades

I have received a lot of requests for free pens from our friends in Russia.

I would love to send all of them a free pen even though they are not Canadians because it would make them happy.

I have to find a way to do that.