Sunday, February 28, 2010

Canada Wins The Olympics Hockey - Free Pens For Canadians!

Canada won the Olympics Hockey Games 2010!!!

I Kampi the blue bear will be giving Free pens to Canadians!

Yes I am so happy that Canada won that I decided to give away free pens.


Just write a comment or send me an email that you would like to have the free pen. I will try to send it to you as long as I don't run out and if I have money for the postage. 

Of course if you send me an addressed stamped envelope or the stamp you will definitely get the pen. I don't know how much the postage costs, maybe a dollar or so. 

Don't forget to mention your name or address. I am not Santa Claus, I have no idea where you live if you don't tell me.

Here's my email:

Please don't send me junk mail.

If you like me, follow me on Twitter , if you don't like me, don't follow me.

Now I have to think how to get players for my hockey team - Little Maple Bears.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Winter Olympics Games - Go Canada!!

I have been busy watching the Olympics games, so I didn't have time to blog. What a pretext!

But I have to tell you something. I normally do not like to watch hockey. It's too dangerous. It's too fast. You can fall down and those players are rough. Those poor kids will get killed.

But one day I watched girls play and they were so good. I enjoyed it. If the girls can do it, we bears can also.

I have to build a team of bears to play hockey. We will beat all the other teams. The problem is that we will have to learn to skate first. We would need a lot of pillows for our bottoms.

Our team will be called the Little Maple Bears.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why Are Little Children Cute?

I would like to talk about little children today. They are stupid but cute. Well ... not really stupid .. they are actually very smart, in fact so smart that they know how to manipulate us, grown up. They do it without attending a single course in psychology. Hard to believe, isn't it?

Why are children cute? I wanted to find the answer so that I can write a book, "Learn to be cute". I interviewed several of them and they told me that it was, I who was cute. They wanted to hug me.

What's wrong with them? I am a professor. Have you ever heard of a cute professor?
 Of course not. If I was not a nice bear, I would have been very offended. Teddy bears may be cute, but I am not a teddy bear.

Anyway my research revealed that it's because they have big heads and big eyes ... and they tend to be roundish with short legs.  And when they start to talk or to babble ... it makes them cuter, even if you don't understand one single word what they are saying. It's so nice to hold a baby in your arm and listen to the sound they make as long as they don't cry.

I think I can write my book now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Writing Children Stories Is Fun

I use to tell stories to little children and they love it. I just invent them from my head and I have to think fast.

Sometimes my mouth goes faster than my brain and I have no idea how to finish the story. When that happens, I have to tell my mouth to shut up and get some rest. My imagination starts running wild. Ahh ... sometimes the nice little kid would help by suggesting how the story continues and I agree fully.

Telling stories is fun but ... hard sometimes.

Je parle français

Oui, je parle français. Je suis intelligent, c'est pourquoi je suis un professeur.

Aha! You are wondering what I am saying.

You see ... I know more than you.

I was speaking in French. Yes .. French  ... mon tailleur est riche.

Don't worry I will blog in English and perhaps now and then a little French.

If you want, I can teach you French ... for a few bucks. Here is my bank account number in case you want to make a transfer:  Wachaga Bank:  23906583622

I hope I become very rich.

I got a blog

I am a blogger now, can you believe that?
I blog, I blog, I blog ...
O.K enough fooling around ... let me tell you a little about myself.

First my name is Kampi. I am a tiny blue bear and I am a professor.

Ya you have heard right! I am a professor at the university of Wachaga.

Never heard of Wachaga? Poor fellow .. you desperately need to go to a university to learn something.

Anyway I will be teaching you a few things so that you smarten up.

Just come to my blog everyday and if I am not too lazy ... i mean, too tired ... I will tell you some stories.

Enough for now. I have written already too much. I have to take a nap now.

What's wrong with that? I am a bear. And bear takes nap.