Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why Are Little Children Cute?

I would like to talk about little children today. They are stupid but cute. Well ... not really stupid .. they are actually very smart, in fact so smart that they know how to manipulate us, grown up. They do it without attending a single course in psychology. Hard to believe, isn't it?

Why are children cute? I wanted to find the answer so that I can write a book, "Learn to be cute". I interviewed several of them and they told me that it was, I who was cute. They wanted to hug me.

What's wrong with them? I am a professor. Have you ever heard of a cute professor?
 Of course not. If I was not a nice bear, I would have been very offended. Teddy bears may be cute, but I am not a teddy bear.

Anyway my research revealed that it's because they have big heads and big eyes ... and they tend to be roundish with short legs.  And when they start to talk or to babble ... it makes them cuter, even if you don't understand one single word what they are saying. It's so nice to hold a baby in your arm and listen to the sound they make as long as they don't cry.

I think I can write my book now.


  1. Wouhou my lil' kampi !
    How are you ? remember me ? I used to visit you at the flat in Mauritius ^w^. I'm glad to hear that you are still alive and doing well with this blog.

    keep up the good work
    i'll come from time to time to take some news

    Benjamin aka Tai-LAu

  2. How can I forget you my little Benji? You are always so full of energy, running here and there, friendly with everyone. I have a hard time watching over you.

    I hope you are studying hard and well. You are a smart boy. I always know that.

    Maybe you will become a professor like me one day.
